How it Works

Gather your information

Gather Your Info

You’ll need digital copies of the following:

For DREAMer applicants, your ID must be a current Employment Authorization Card issued by the U.S. government.

If you only have a physical copy of either document, you can take a digital photo. You'll need to upload a digital file as part of the online application.

Complete the online application

Complete the Online Application

You can find the link below. At the end of the application, you will receive a link that allows you to sign up for a Needs-Assessment Appointment.

Needs assessment

Meet for a Needs-Assessment Appointment

During this call, you'll meet with a BFF financial aid expert who will review your application and discuss funding options with you. After the call, the BFF team member will verify your school information, create a proposal, and send you an invitation to schedule a Proposal Review.

Proposal review

Meet for a Proposal Review Appointment

During this call, you'll meet with a BFF financial aid expert who will review your funding proposal with you.

sign the contract

Sign the Contract

After your proposal review meeting, a BFF team member will send a final contract by email. Sign this contract and related disclosures. BFF will then disburse funds to your school.
