Electronic Documents and Signatures Consent

Last updated: July 11, 2019

Better Future Forward, Inc., its affiliates, including Better Future Forward Opportunity ISA Fund (CP1), LLC, Better Future Forward Opportunity ISA Fund (CH1), LLC, and Better Future Forward Manager LLC, and/or any person or entity acting on behalf of or servicing your agreement for the aforementioned entities (collectively, “we” or “us” or “BFF”) are required to provide You with certain written disclosures, documents, and information related to Your transactions with BFF.

Under the federal E-SIGN Act and related state laws, with Your consent, we can deliver this Required Information to You electronically and can use electronic signatures in connection with Your transactions with BFF. This Electronic Documents and Signatures Consent (the “Agreement”) relates to Your use of BFF’s services and Your income share agreement account (“ISA Account”). Please read the terms of this Agreement prior to giving Your consent, and please maintain a copy of this Agreement for Your records.

By electronically agreeing to, and signing, this Agreement below, You consent and agree to proceed with the review and execution of the all account agreements, disclosures, statements, and documents relating to Your ISA Account in electronic format.  This includes the use of electronic communications, electronic disclosures, electronic statements, electronic contracts, and electronic signatures (including "check box" style acknowledgements).

If You do not agree to proceed with: (a) the signing of the agreements electronically, (b) the review of disclosures and statements in electronic format, and (c) the receipt of electronic communications from BFF please decline to execute this Agreement.  If You want to proceed with Your income share agreement application, You must consent to receiving the Required information electronically before we can provide it to You. Your consent will apply to all Your income share agreement applications and all other transactions with us. Your consent permits the general use of electronic records and electronic signatures in connection with all Your transactions with us.

Agreement to Conduct Business Electronically

By executing this Agreement, You are agreeing: (a) to the presentation of electronic documents, agreements, and disclosures, (b) that such documents are binding contracts, and (c) that You will accept and execute the applicable documents electronically.  You acknowledge that all disclosures required by applicable law are being provided to You and may be provided electronically. You may also access and review electronic copies of all electronic documents on our website.

You further agree as follows:

Your execution of this Agreement signifies Your intent to enter into a binding legal agreement, and that Your consent to conduct business electronically applies to all documents that BFF will provide to You or agreements that You will execute with BFF.

All documents, including any modifications to such documents, signed using electronic means are as valid and enforceable as if You executed a paper copy using a “wet ink” handwritten signature.

The authoritative copy of the electronically executed documents (the “Authoritative Copy”) shall be the electronic copy that resides in BFF’s document management system or that of its agents.  If a paper version of the Authoritative Copy is created, then both the electronic version and paper version shall be considered originals and shall both be an Authoritative Copy.

Paper Copy of Required Information Available Upon Request - No Charge

You may print a copy of any Required Information from Your computer or emails.  If You consent to receive the Required Information electronically, You can also request a paper copy of the Required Information by contacting us at (651) 401-8401 or 20711 Holt Avenue, P.O. Box 1063, Lakeville, MN 55044. We will not charge You any fees for providing a paper copy of the Required Information. Your consent does not mean that BFF must provide the Required Information electronically—only that it may do so. We may, at our option, deliver Required Information on paper, if we choose to do so. We may also require that certain communications from You be delivered to us, on paper, at a specified address.

If You consent to receive the Required Information electronically, we will contact You at the email address You have provided to us. If You change Your email address, You must provide us with Your new email address either by logging into Your account and updating Your email address or by contacting us by email at contact@betterfutureforward.org.

To access the Required Information being provided to Your electronically, You must have the following, which may be updated from time to time:

A personal computer or mobile device with internet access and one of the following web browsers, or a more recent version of these web browsers, installed:

·        Google Chrome, latest version

·        Internet Explorer, latest version

·        Microsoft Edge, latest version

·        Safari versions 10 and above

·        Mozilla Firefox, latest version

·        iOS 10 & 11

·        Android 5+

The ability to receive e-mail that contains hyperlinks to websites in order for us to deliver information to You.

Software which permits You to receive, print and access Portable Document Format or “PDF” files, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader®. If You do not have such software, click here to download a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader®.

Sufficient electronic storage capacity on Your computer's hard drive or other data storage unit or the ability to print PDF files from Your computer or tablet device.

During the enrollment process, You will be sent an email that contains information pertaining to proceeding with your application.  You will be required to access and open this email in order to demonstrate Your ability to receive and retain electronic records using the email address that You have provided.

By checking the box and proceeding, I am electronically signing this Agreement. I agree to the terms of this Agreement, effective as of today’s date, and confirm that I have computer software and hardware that meets the requirements above. I CONSENT TO (I) RECEIVING REQUIRED INFORMATION ELECTRONICALLY, AND (II) THE USE OF ELECTRONIC RECORDS AND SIGNATURES IN CONNECTION WITH MY INCOME SHARE AGREEMENT APPLICATION AND ALL OTHER TRANSACTION(S) WITH BETTER FUTURE FORWARD. BETTER FUTURE FORWARD IN PLACE OF WRITTEN DOCUMENTS AND HANDWRITTEN SIGNATURES. Once You give Your consent, You can view Your documents online or by reviewing Your emails. YOU ALSO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOUR CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC DISCLOSURES IS REQUIRED TO RECEIVE SERVICES FROM US OVER THE INTERNET.